Our Story

Why we created Lady The F Up?

We created LadyTheFup because we know the struggles women have to face each day. We use fitness as a vehicle to enhance and enrich the lives of the women we work with; when you are able to take control of one area of your life, it helps to gain confidence and control in other areas. We use fitness and body transformation to teach women how to become stronger, healthier, but most importantly to become the best versions of themselves. We use a unique approach through our structured coaching system that helps to make fitness, health and reaching your body goals, permanent.

Most fitness programs prey on your weakness and your vulnerability! We empower our women so that they are NOT dependant on us in the long run. We educate you on how to use your body optimally. We program you so that healthy habits and behaviour are no longer a short term diet, but a lifestyle.  

It’s very emotionally exhausting starting and stopping a diet. Each time you start a new diet and are unsuccessful with results, it takes a piece out of you. We end that cycle once and for all because we build you up from the inside out, like a house with a strong foundation. No amount of force can knock the house down. No amount of temptation,  stress or external force can knock you down when you are built correctly with a strong foundation.


I’m  Rima Kamra

Founder and head coach

and I'm

 Lexie Ward

owner and head coach

Watch the video to learn more about what we do.

Amer Kamra: The Founder

Amer Kamra a Toronto based entrepreneur is the visionary behind the big 3 brands: Hammer Fitness, Ladythefup and Manthefup. Amer Kamra founded LadyTheFup in 2019 and has completely removed himself from the brand to allow an environment to be curated for women, by women. While LadyTheFup maintains true to the core values and pricinples of Hammer Fitness and ManTheFup. Each one of the 3 brands has been created and cultivated with the client in mind. 

Amer wanted to create a brand that would be managed, owned and coached by women, for women exclusively. You can learn more about Amer and the brands he’s created by visiting his website www.amerkamra.com

Amer Kamra Toronto Entrepreneur